The history of the economy from Platon to the Romans


  • Henry Acuña Barrantes Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



Doctrines economies, Economy, Philosophers, Greece, Rome, Plato


Throughout this article we analyze the birth of economic science. While the economy was established as a science in the mid-eighteenth century, anxiety about economic processes in society dates back to the civilizations of Greece and Rome. The "eco nomic" plays a central role in organizing the various historical societies, and that is linked to their subsistence food supply, work organization, resource sharing.
The origin of modern economic thought has its beginning in ancient Greece. The Greek philosophers were the first to analyze and reflect on various issues related to what is now known as economics. The topics addressed by the Greek thinkers in general, are related to commercial activity had barely begun during the IV and III centuries a. C. Although Greek thinkers such as Herodotus, Teuclides, Hesiod and Xenophon were devoted to the study of the economy, contributing to create some theories; it is from Plato and Aristotle that can be found more systematic conceptualizations regarding economic aspects of life in "the polis". This study made use of documentary sources, is a historical exploration proposal, describing the beginnings of the economy is now known, from documents, books, collections that have analyzed illustrious intellectuals who have managed to compile over history. Also aims to demonstrate the historical importance of Greek and Roman cultures to the economy and the importance to mankind, even as the state of the art, not much information is evidence of these cultures, and the contribution to the economy.


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Author Biography

  • Henry Acuña Barrantes, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    Economista. Máster en MIBE, MIB. Jefe de la División de Investigación Científica.


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How to Cite

The history of the economy from Platon to the Romans. (2012). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 4(1), 82-95.