The Environmental and Ecological Police as a Protection Guarantor against the Contamination of Soil Resources
Soil Biota, Environmental Health, Wastewater, Regulatory AnalysisAbstract
The National Police of Colombia has the Environmental and Ecological Protection Area, which joins efforts with the environmental authorities, to protect natural resources. One of its specific functions is detecting anthropogenic contaminating sources and determining the effects that they cause. In this context, a new emerging topic is the dumping on the ground. In Colombia, Decree 50/2018 and Resolution 699/2021 allow the dumping and establish the limit parameters of the water discharged. Being a new topic, the CAR, Unisalle and the Police, joined forces to establish a methodology to control the regulatory compliance, to do that, an analysis of the disposition, vocation, and use of the land; pollutants associated with discharges and the soil; and effects of discharges on the edaphic biota. The proposed method was tested in the CAR jurisdiction, observing that it has a general relevance; however, a lack of scientific information regarding the biota was detected. This issue could compromise the opinion of the environmental/police authorities and violate Law 2111/2021, which indicates: whoever directly discharges onto the ground, endangering human health and natural resources will incur in prison. So, it is suggested to strengthen research on this topic.
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