Forensic computing methodology in Colombian government institutions: an approach from Law 1952 of 2019
disciplinary code, cybercrime, digital evidence, forensics, methodologyAbstract
In the face of a possible computer crime or disciplinary offense in which digital elements have been used (as a means or as an end) and that is the subject of investigation, different procedures are required to know what, how, who and when the possible punishable act has occurred. The objective of this paper is the design of a methodology for the development of a forensic investigation. For this, the method used were the processes and methods accepted by the scientific and technical community for the adequate management and treatment of digital evidence (chain of custody), in order to be a technical support tool for administrative cases in Colombian government institutions within the context of Law 1952 of 2019. As a result, there is a proposal that can be used for the application of the General Disciplinary Code in terms of obtaining digital evidence, with which, it is concluded that the different researchers have at their disposal a process that can lead to optimal results, thereby comply with the law.
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- 2022-12-08 (1)
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