Operational challenges in Colombia for the search and location of people with canine teams
search and location dogs, operational variables, structural collapse, mass removal, disaster, victims, corpsesAbstract
In the year 2012, the Colombian Civil Defense began a protocol with canine teams to find people in disaster relief. For ten years, binomials have been deployed in earthquakes, mass removal phenomena, winter catastrophes, among others, carrying out a search and rescue response for living people, detection and extraction of corpses and traces. It is intended to determine the protocols where human scent search dogs participate in states of public calamity, identifying the variables that affect operations by canine teams (K9SAR) between the years 2012 and 2022. In 23 operational interventions analyzed, 12 they concluded with active tagging, 9 zone discards, 1 false tagging and 1 event without data; the temperature where the best results were obtained is between 15 °C and 25 °C, with an average relative humidity of 80 percent, as well as ensuring that entry times to the area as short as possible from the zero hour of the event
favor success in operations. The study involved 48 dogs from different specialties, attending (everyone) three emergencies per year; future studies are required to improve training, certification and performance under international standards.
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