Perfil del docente policial colombiano en la educación virtual: competencias tecnológicas y su utilización
digital technology, communication technology, multimedia teaching, teacher competencies, policeAbstract
This research aimed to establish the characteristics and technological competencies for the development of activities, resources and strategies related to virtual education, in teachers of some of the police training schools in Colombia. For this purpose, a descriptive study was carried out in which semi-structured interviews were applied to 109 teachers from the training schools in Velez (Santander) and Bogota D. C., where teaching and learning processes were developed in a virtual way during the year 2020; for triangulation purposes, 385 students from the same schools were interviewed and trained with the participating teachers. The results showed that the skills of teachers are mostly at the exploratory and basic level, mainly in terms of creating materials and resources, understanding the virtual pedagogical model based on information and communication technologies, and mastering information security processes to be transferred to students. The findings made it possible to demonstrate the existence of a gap between the current technological mastery skills of the teachers of the training schools and those of the profile of the police teacher, which may also affect the skills of the graduates and requires an urgent approach from the teacher training plan.
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