Effect of the addition of hemp fiber in the properties of strenght and resistivity in a clayey soil
Geological Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Construction Materials, Clay, Natural FiberAbstract
The investigation has the aim of finding the effect and adequate proportion of the hemp fiber of 4 cm in length, in the mechanical and resistivity properties of a clayey soil. Properties investigated include optimum moisture content (wópt); the maximum dry unit weight, (γdmax), cohesion (c); friction angle (Φ), unconfined compressive strength (qu), and electrical resistivity (ρ). The modified Proctor compaction tests (ASTM D 1557-12), direct consolidated undrained shear, CU, for cohesive soils (ASTM 6528-17), unconfined compressive strength (ASTM D2166-16) and Wenner’s four electrode test (ASTM G57-01l), were applied to three clay samples with different proportions of hemp fiber; standard sample, Ap, of 100 % clay from the city of Tunja, sample with 0.5 % and 0.75 % hemp fiber, A0.5 %, and A0.75 %, in relation to the dry weight of the material. The results of this study indicate that the optimal percentage of hemp is 0.5 %, showing a decrease in compaction, and an increase in shear strength, electrical resistivity properties and unconfined compression properties; nevertheless, with a greater presence of fiber, there is destruction of the clayey soil.
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