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Stimation of friction coefficients of vehicles on surfaces using drones - Unmanned Aircraft Systems




drone, accelerometer, accident, deceleration, coefficient


Within the methodological process carried out in the reconstruction of traffic accidents, it is necessary to determine the coefficients of deceleration or friction to be used, depending on the case, to objectively establish the traffic speeds of the vehicles involved, taking into account: the type of vehicle, surface and geometry of the roadway and its condition; To this end, researchers in the field have carried out experiments since the 1970s in order to establish these coefficients for various situations. The most commonly used methods take up the statistical analysis of data obtained through measurements made in the field, technological tools such as digital accelerometers or images processed with video cameras. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate that the accuracy of the data obtained from the video images taken by a DJI Mavic Pro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and processed in Tracker ® ​​educational software can be compared with the information recorded with a VC4000 digital accelerometer, being The first solution is an option with a rationally lower cost, with a rate of obtaining information that is higher than the second, and with a versatility to execute scenarios that is notoriously superior.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Francisco Higuera Cruz, Centro de Investigación Forense y Tecnología del Tránsito

    Administrador Policial. Especialista en Investigación de accidentes de Tránsito. Especialista en sistemas de Aeronaves No Tripuladas.

  • Didieth Ferney Barón Rodríguez, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Administrador Policial. Especialista en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. Especialista en sistemas de Aeronaves No Tripuladas.

  • Jaime Enrique Orduy Rodríguez, Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores

    Ingeniero Aeronáútico. Especialización en Administración Aeronáutica. Maestria en Ingeniería Aeroespacial.

  • Diana Marcela Araque García, Aeronáutica Civil

    Ingeniera de Sistemas. Especialista en Aeronaves No Tripuladas.


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2022-10-10 — Updated on 2022-11-28




Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Stimation of friction coefficients of vehicles on surfaces using drones - Unmanned Aircraft Systems. (2022). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 14(3), 24-40. (Original work published 2022)