Relationship between empathy, compassion and Burnout in medical students, residents and medical professionals in Medellin




empathy, compassion, Burnout, Physicians, medical students


Physicians are exposed to high levels of work pressure, which leads to a higher risk of Burnout. Empathy is the cognitive and affective recognition of a person's state of mind and situation. Compassion is a response to the recognition of the patient's suffering and the desire to reduce it. Objectives: to explore the relationship between empathy, compassion and Burnout in medical students and professionals and other variables related to the syndrome. Method: 143 physicians and students answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the MBI, the TECA, and the Compassionate Commitment and Action Scale. Results: 41.9 % showed high levels of emotional exhaustion, 21 % depersonalization and 19.5 % low levels of accomplishment. Burnout levels were negatively associated with the perception of balance between social, family and work life, compassion and age; F(5, 92) = 11.012, p < 0.00; (p < 0.05). Emotional fatigue interrupted the development of behaviors related to self-compassion and confirmed the perception of success. Conclusions: For physicians to have optimal levels of affective empathy and compassion, the development of cognitive empathy and emotional regulation skills is essential. These are protective factors for Burnout.


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Author Biographies

  • Elena Suárez Cadavid, Universidad EAFIT


  • Mariantonia Lemos, Universidad EAFIT

    Psicóloga. Maestría en Psicología. Doctorado en psicología.

  • Erika Patricia Ruiz González, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

    Psicóloga. Magister en evaluación psicológica.

  • Alicia Krikorian, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

    Grupo de dolor y cuidado paliativo, Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud. Psicóloga. Especialista en terapia cognitiva. Especialista en estudios políticos. Magíster en psicooncología. Doctora en psicología de la salud.


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2022-10-10 — Updated on 2022-12-10




Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Relationship between empathy, compassion and Burnout in medical students, residents and medical professionals in Medellin. (2022). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 14(3), 59-72. (Original work published 2022)