Attaching special relations between the state and its officials


  • Luis Eduardo Ardila Quiroz Universidad Libre de Colombia



State, discipline, staff, government, subject, society, politics, democracy, performance, transparency, diligence


This paper refers to relations between the state and its officials, from obedience in Greece, until it acquires the connotation public servant in the rule of law and in turn, those of these to their partners, as well is known that those who hold the State and fully staffed for the externalization of that, are the ones who pay taxes and contribute to the budget of expenditures for goods and services to reach fruition. Just as there are obligations of the State, there are duties to perform by those who inhabit it, so it is mandatory, under penalty of committing a crime, the payment of taxes to the State, but for which the expenditures by the state towards its people have teleology or intended purpose, it is necessary for the proper administration, if that happens, you lose the philosophy of good manners.


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Author Biography

  • Luis Eduardo Ardila Quiroz, Universidad Libre de Colombia

    Abogado. Magister en Derecho Administrativo. Docente.


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How to Cite

Attaching special relations between the state and its officials. (2012). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 3(2), 112-125.