Police ethics in the framework of civic ethics and cordial reason





police ethics, civic ethics, cordial reason, democracy


As a guarantor of the security of citizens and of the coexistence and stability of society, the police institution needs to develop a solid ethical training in its members that allows them to fulfil their mission and strengthen relations with the community. The present work aims to show that the work of the police officer must have a double perspective: the civic ethics that organizes the social life of citizens in democratic societies and the ethics of cordial reason that leads the police officer to give his life to the service. Particularly the most vulnerable. Using a theoretical work of analysis-synthesis as a method, the article shows that this double perspective allows the work of the police to be carried out in democratic contexts, but also in contexts that need to strengthen mechanisms of respect for those who have been victims. The article concludes that civic ethics and cordial ethics are a complement that can make the police officer a citizen with an authority understood as a service and as a response to a democratic society in which citizens are equal before the law, but also in which special care is taken of those who are most vulnerable.


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Author Biographies

  • Manuel Losada-Sierra, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    Licenciado en Filosofía. Magíster en Filosofía. PhD en Filosofía.

  • Jorge Orlando Contreras Sarmiento, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    Licenciatura en Teología. Especialización en Liderazgo Estratégico Militar. Magister Derecho Canónico. Doctorado en derecho.


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2022-10-10 — Updated on 2022-12-10




Theoretical articles

How to Cite

Police ethics in the framework of civic ethics and cordial reason. (2022). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 14(3), 118-130. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v14i3.1626 (Original work published 2022)