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Information leakage by ultrasound: a crime against personal data




Computer crime, computer system, data protection, right to privacy, security measure, ultrasound


The use of mechanisms such as the transmission of data by ultrasonic waves can allow malicious personnel to obtain personal data from a computer system, which could constitute a computer crime. The objective of this article is to demonstrate how it is possible to filter information through ultrasound, using workstation peripheral systems, with which personal data could be obtained, which generates a confidentiality problem. For this, the method used was to perform a characterization of the computer components, a support software was built for sending and receiving ultrasound data (at a frequency greater than 18000 Hz), using the speakers of a computer equipment and the reception of data was from another laptop, the tests were performed in a controlled environment with low noise level. As a result, it was possible to transfer information through basic computational elements, although with some packet loss, but functional for the fulfillment of the proposed objective, with which it is concluded that it is possible that part of this leaked information could generate a computer crime through the light of Law 1273 in Colombia.


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Author Biographies

  • Héctor Fernando Vargas Montoya, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM

    Ingeniero de Sistemas. Magíster en seguridad de las TIC. 

  • Clay Schneider Vallejo Pinilla, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM

    Ingeniería de Sistemas. Maestría Seguridad Informática.

  • Carlos Augusto Ruiz Patiño, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano – ITM

    Ingeniero de sistemas. Magister Seguridad informática.


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2022-10-10 — Updated on 2022-11-28


How to Cite

Information leakage by ultrasound: a crime against personal data. (2022). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 14(3), 102-116. (Original work published 2022)