Violation of the rights of indigenous people in Yucatan 1848- 1860. In the context of the Caste War


  • Juan Pablo Bolio Ortiz Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social



Fundamental Rights, War of Castes, Amparo, Politic Constitution


In a society like the yucatecan in the second half of the XIX century, it is not clear to identify the correlation between the State and the people. The fundamental rights established in the constitutions of Yucatan made a relation of supra-subordination between the governor and governed. These rights were protected for the resource of Amparo which all yucatecans were proud of it. In despite of this legal bases of protection of the society in Yucatan, there were another juncture the "Guerra de Castas" which meant a constant violation of the minimum rights of the people. The objective of this work is to show that fundamental rights in Yucatán were just one thing: a body of warranties that just stayed in the paper and never were used correctly.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Pablo Bolio Ortiz, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social

    Licenciado en Derecho.


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SITIOS WEB web2/modules.php?name=seminario_ internacional&file=principios consultado el sábado ocho de abril del año 2011 a las 9: 30 AM.





Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Violation of the rights of indigenous people in Yucatan 1848- 1860. In the context of the Caste War. (2012). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 3(2), 89-96.