Variables associated with digital partner violence in a sample of young adults from Yucatan, Mexico, between 2015 and 2020
Social media, internet use, Violence victims, cyberviolence, intimate partner violenceAbstract
This study aimed to identify sociodemographic aspects and the time of Internet use that are associated with intimate partner digital violence, as well as the differences between the types of digital violence and the social networks where it occurs. Through an observational study, 340 cases were selected from the database from the document Primera Evaluación de la Violencia Digital en Yucatán (First Evaluation of Digital Violence in Yucatan) and items that measured the variables of interest were taken. It was found that some variables associated with intimate partner digital violence were surveillance (α: <0.001; OR: 10.607), use of email (α: 0.033; OR: 2.787) and use of the Internet 1 or 2 days a week (α: 0.02; OR: 10.5217), while flaming (α: 0.013; OR: 0.405) and teasing and harassment (α: 0.001; OR: 0.371) were associated with other types of digital violence. It was also observed that the LGBTQ community, women and those who spend less time on the internet were more likely to experience digital intimate partner violence than their counterparts. It is concluded that digital violence presents particular elements and differences according to the type of violence experienced. The high prevalence of both forms of digital violence suggests patterns of violent interaction in this population, highlighting the need for interventions that address this problem.
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