The diversity in birds as determinat factor of the interaction between ecosystems of the department of Huila.
Biodiversity, Birds, Teruel, dry tropical Forest, interaction among ecosystemsAbstract
In this study a description and analysis was realized, as first approach, of the offer in diversity of birds in The Primavera land, verede Estambul, municipality of Teruel, in the department of Huila.
From the generated information, we proceeded to compare the results obtained with the reports of birds inventoried in the GEMA study (2006) which was developed by the Institute of Research of Biological Resources Alexander Von Humboldt, in the Biological Corridor among the PNN Puracé and Cueva de los Guácharos, in order to determine the relationship among these natural spaces from the concept of interaction ecosystems, been understood as the relations of supply, flow and exchange of materials, energy or information; that for this case of study it's refered to the movement of birds from an ecosystem to other one.
The Primavera land, located in the municipality of Teruel in the west of the department of Huila, in an altitude of 900 meters high average, belonging to the zone of life of dry tropical forest, it served as place of work for the identification of 32 species of birds by means of visual direct observation and capture with mist nets; of which there were two families that turned out to be common to both studies, belonging to the Thraupinae (tángaras) and Tyrannidae (Atrapamoscas), which indicates it is capacity of adjustment to different zones of altitude.
Particular case deserves the species Tángara vitrio lina (tángara rastrojera), who is considered to be almost endemic, which is translated into a high vulnerability and of special care and surveillance. It is suggested the accomplishment of other similar valuations in places that allow to establish this ecosystemic connection in order to identify those species that present common characteristics for different ecosystems.
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