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Impact of the Implementation of a Solar Energy Irrigation System on Lemon Crops




irrigation system, solar power, global efficiency, evapotranspiration, lemon


This paper presents the dimensioning of an irrigation system applied to a lemon crop. Making use of solar power, it satisfied the Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) values of 4.31 mm/day and Consumptive Use (CU) of 1.85 mm/ha/day, whose experimental matrix is composed by three furrows of 57 trees with a requirement of 64.91 liters/tree/day, using dripping irrigation systems with a water discharge of 4 liters/hour. The study demonstrates, at a very significant level, that humidity concentrates at a depth of 15 cm. which is influenced by the sandy physical characteristics of the soil. Thus, for the irrigation water requirement, it is dimensioned a solar system obtaining a setting of 10 panels in series and 2
others in parallel, for a total of 20 as a whole, a capacity inverter to power a 2HP pump and a house with an average consumption of 1.5 kWp. The global efficiency of the system was registered in the range of 10 and 14%, and the maximum output power of the photovoltaic system was reached between the 10:00 and 14:00 hours with an 84% of the total capacity installed (5.2 kWp).


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Author Biographies

  • Agustín Valverde Granja, Universidad de Ibagué

    Ingeniero Mecánico. Maestría en Eficiencia energética. Doctor en Ingeniería Mecánica.

  • Giovanni Andrés Vargas Galván, Universidad de Ibagué

    Ingeniero mecánico con especialización en Pedagogía y Ética. Maestría en Gestión Industrial.

  • Mauricio García Arboleda, Agrosavia, Florencia

    Ingeniero Agrónomo. Maestría en Desarrollo Sustentable. Doctorado en Agroecología.

  • John Edisson Díaz Figueroa, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Ingeniero Aeronáutico. Especialista en servicio de Policía.


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2022-06-30 — Updated on 2022-08-31




Case studies

How to Cite

Impact of the Implementation of a Solar Energy Irrigation System on Lemon Crops. (2022). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 14(2), 90-107. (Original work published 2022)