Principles governing labor relations in the Colombian public sector: Analysis of subregulations in jurisprudence. Investigative experience




principles, function, public, lines, jurisprudence


The concept of public employment has indisputable importance to the Labor Law and the Public Administration, therefore can not be neglected the fact that the civil service in all its manifestations is a basic part of the administrative structure, that’s why its study is important, especially when dealing with matters pertaining to the not always well understood public service treated by Chapter II of Title V of the Constitution of 1991.

So is clear that the public service is governed by constitutional principles, which the law embodies at special but fragmentary rules, whose interpretation has been left to the national jurisprudence. Also it was verified that from these statements flows a number of generic and abstract “subrules”, which can not be inferred directly, but require a process of legal hermeneutics, after which will emerge as the principles of Public Employment in our country. The study of these court rulings over the life of the actual Constitution and the corresponding structuring of the principles decanted, from jurisprudential traces has been the central object of this investigation.


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Author Biography

  • Francisco Edmundo Paz Obando, Universidad de Nariño

    Abogado. Especialista en Derecho Laboral & Seguridad Social. Magíster en Derecho Administrativo. Miembro del grupo de investigación DEJURE del CIESJU.


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Reflection Articles

How to Cite

Principles governing labor relations in the Colombian public sector: Analysis of subregulations in jurisprudence. Investigative experience. (2014). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 6(1), 81-93.