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Decision-making for the territorial management of citizen security: Case Santander Police Department and Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police Department Command




decision making, police, Decision theory, Public order


This document presents an approach to the police decision-making loop with its characteristics and attributes. It pays special attention to advice for police decision-making and inquiries about the levels of Police Decision Management (GDP). The results of an exploratory and qualitative study corresponding to a phase of the investigation “Police decisional management” are presented. The method of systematizing experiences and the semi-structured interview were used as a collection technique, in the same way, non-participant observation to complement the vision of the interviewees. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with police commanders who make up the pyramid of responsibilities in the execution of the National Model of Community Surveillance by Quadrant (MNVCC, by its acronym in Spanish). The main result of the research is that the GDP commits the police officers regardless of the hierarchical position in which they find themselves and obeys an implicit, undeclared model. The need to build a joint vision on police decision-making through the study of
other police units to improve the practice itself is concluded


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Author Biographies

  • Luisa Fernanda Pedraza Uribe, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Licenciada en educación Básica con enfásis en ciencias naturalez y educación ambiental. Especialización en Gestión Territorial de la Seguridad Ciudadana. Maestría en Educación.

  • Artur Oswaldo Villamizar Moreno, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Licenciado en Filosofía. Máster en intervención social en las sociedades del conocimiento.


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Case studies

How to Cite

Decision-making for the territorial management of citizen security: Case Santander Police Department and Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police Department Command. (2022). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 14(2), 108-123.