Methodological strategies used by preschool teachers in the municipality of San Sebastian de Mariquita - Tolima in the teaching of reading


  • Karen Zulay Holguín Calderón Universidad del Tolima
  • Germán Rafael Sierra Chaparro Policía Nacional de Colombia
  • Sandra Liliana Quiñones Quintana Universidad del Tolima



Reading, learning processes, teaching strategies, comprehensive development


The article shows results of an investigation made from observing the activities of preschool teachers in the municipality of San Sebastian de Mariquita (Tolima), in teaching reading. The objective is to identify, describe and analyze the methodological strategies used by teachers in the levels of pre-kindergarten, garden and transition in education that develop these educational institutions. The study is descriptive, considering that was advanced through field work using informal or conversational interview to the teachers and principals, with open questions seeking to deeply explore the topic of interest, and instruments were identified by teachers in the pedagogical practice with students in the above levels. Using informal and conversational interview to the teachers and principals, with open questions, check list and non-participatory direct observation looking to explore in depth the topic of interest, using a guide or protocol pre-established questions seeking thereby to clarify and learn the context of the situation under study. The results are evident which process samples are immersed for children under seven years in the acquisition reading, trying not to generate in students and obligation, but rather an active dynamic of knowledge, guided by a line of motivation, joy and love to each of the books that are part of their daily life context, showing the similarities and differences between educational institutions both public and private and family welfare home caregivers of children.


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Author Biographies

  • Karen Zulay Holguín Calderón, Universidad del Tolima
    Psicóloga. Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil.
  • Germán Rafael Sierra Chaparro, Policía Nacional de Colombia
    Administrador Policial. Administrador de Empresas.
  • Sandra Liliana Quiñones Quintana, Universidad del Tolima
    Licenciada en Matemáticas y Estadística.


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Case studies

How to Cite

Methodological strategies used by preschool teachers in the municipality of San Sebastian de Mariquita - Tolima in the teaching of reading. (2012). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 3(2), 22-31.