Police identifications according to racial profile. Criminological study on the experiences of identification in Spain in 2020-2021





racial profile, police stops, ethnicity, public highway, vehicle


One of the main issues regarding police identifications is the use of race as a criterion in decision-mak­ing during arrests. However, previous studies have shown that these police practices are more concen­trated in certain minority groups, thus applying the ethnic profile. Despite being a widespread practice in Spain and Europe, there are few studies on racial disparities between groups regarding police identifications. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the differences between the general population and minority groups based on the experiences of police identification in Spain during 2020-2021. To that purpose, a quantitative methodology has been followed, in which police identification data have been reported through a questionnaire, with a sample of 134 participants. Data analysis has been performed using association analysis and binary regression model. The results suggest the existence of significant differences between groups regarding the experiences of police identification, since ethnic minorities, are groups that are most likely to be singled out compared to the general population.


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Author Biographies

  • Hassiba Ziati Ziati, Universidad de Barcelona

    Criminología. Máster en Perfilación y Análisis de la Conducta Criminal.

  • Ariadna Trespaderne Dedeu, Universitat de Barcelona

    Criminología. Máster en Perfilación y Análisis de la Conducta Criminal, Máster en Análisis y Prevención del Crimen y Doctoranda en Criminología.

  • Nassiba Ziati Ziati , Universitat de Barcelona

    Criminología. Máster en Perfilación y Análisis de la Conducta Criminal.

  • Miguel Angel Soria Verde, Universitat de Barcelona

    Director del Grupo de investigación en Perfilación y Análisis de la Conducta Criminal.  Doctor en Psicología.


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Police identifications according to racial profile. Criminological study on the experiences of identification in Spain in 2020-2021. (2021). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 14(1), 41-56. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v14i1.1487