Physical and logical safety in the police information treatment
Security, informationAbstract
Although, in the national environment and in particular in the talkative sector of the Colombian Police's Academies, concerning about investigations, have already been developed the problem of the "information security", the current one, allows to validate or refute that the data obtained can have suffered transformations; all the time and specifically and particularity of the talkative atmosphere that it contains the police school "Carlos Eugenio Restrepo", which demand some equally differentiated analyses of that thematic. To Deep in this special item, allows to the police institution, to know all the realities about the Colombian police officers, getting in this way to adopt politicians guided to strengthen and to prevent deficiencies in the talkative and workers dynamics.
That investigation consists then, on carrying out a basic study about the factors who influent, in the physical and logical security and also in the of the police information handling; investigation that has been looked for, to acquit in a simple way and clear in what refers to the topic. This thematic shows a great institutional interest, it´s because as an organization, we are not having enough security in the handling of the information and the communications detected in the police formation schools around the country; this lack security about the information represents a considerable expense of resources as much in the economic thing as in the administrative.
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