The recruitment process in the terrorist organization ETA
Terrorism, violence, recruitment, terrorist profiles, basque nationalism, terrorist organizations, ETAAbstract
The recruitment of activists in armed gangs, in general, is explained, among others things, by its relationship with two basic psychosocial processes, one of radicalization and the other of social polarization, aimed at having sufficient militancy. This article analyzes from an empirical perspective the recruitment of militants of the terrorist organization ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna) in the Spanish State, during its years of existence, based on experience, research and continuous contact with the radical nationalist world, and in the study of judicial summaries of attacks and dismantling of commandos, various contributions from internal sources derived from interviews, as well as the positions of experts in the object of study, grouping common non-exclusive attitudes and presenting limitations originated especially in the talks and interviews carried out with neighbors and victims of the terrorist group, which allow to conclude that no generalist approach substitutes the development of specific investigations, capable of clarifying the particular causes of each specific case. Most experts agree that there exists a lack of comprehensive working knowledge of the terrorist recruitment process and its behavior.
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