Growth vs. sustainability: The development paradox
Economic growth, Sustainability, Global warming, Greenhouse gases, Well-beingAbstract
Development from the economic perspective has assigned to the growth of production and therefore the intensive use of productive factors the responsibility to become the main indicator of "social welfare" without considering the progressive environmental deterioration and increasing destruction Of natural resources, in a system that has clearly yielded results but at the same time has shown to be enormously unequal. This essay is an exercise that seeks to go beyond a mere diatribe against the limits on which capitalism has embarked on us, rather it seeks to show, through the collection of a varied theoretical collection, a series of reflections on The need to rethink the incentives and regulation behind the system in order to understand the needs to refine the growth models that promote a much more equitable transition towards the allocation of responsibilities in the face of the deterioration and exhaustion of the planet.
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