Approaching production from a sustainable perspective: the case of small and medium businesses in Cundinamarca




sustainable production, cleaner technologies, ecodesign, clean production, enterprises


A sustainable approach to production pursues the economic and social development of companies without harming the environment. Based on this principle, this study characterized SMEs in the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, using indicators to measure achievements in sustainable production. Descriptive, non-experimental field research was carried out. First, in order to identify indicators to be measured, a literature review was carried out by searching the Scopus, Emerald, ScienceDirect and Web of Science databases, within the 2009-2019 time window. A data collection instrument was constructed with 14 Likert-type questions. An intentional non-probabilistic sampling method was used which selected 105 companies. The instrument was validated by seven experts and was confirmed to be reliable by applying Cronbach's alpha. The results showed that SMEs must carry out structural transformations of their processes to be in harmony with social, environmental and economic systems, aspects that generally encompass sustainability. Additionally, clean production was found to be the element that requires the most work. Finally, the study showed that medium-sized enterprises are by and large more focused on sustainable production than small ones.


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How to Cite

Approaching production from a sustainable perspective: the case of small and medium businesses in Cundinamarca. (2021). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 13(1), 65-79.