Software to obtain a statistical propagation model in real time




Propagation, radio link, statistics, software, model


The research process was based on the design of a desktop application for indoor and outdoor coverage testing of wireless links in the 2.4 GHz frequency band with the use of free software, which allows capturing, processing, analysing, calculate and generate a real-time statistical type mathematical model of the media access control (MAC) hardware embedded in a laptop's wireless network card that detects power level, carriers, and other variables within frames of information transmitted by base stations. The methodology is experimental. First, different propagation models are analysed, next existing test tools are studied, and then hardware and software technologies and tools are compared. The programming language is selected and finally the code and the graphical interface of the application are generated in order to visualize the mathematical model expressed through the use of least squares with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and then compare it with recognized propagation models.


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Author Biographies

  • Jorge Enrique Herrera Rubio, Universidad de Pamplona

    Ingeniero en Electrónica. Maestria en electrónica. Ph.D. en ciencias.

  • José Yecid Moreno Villamizar, Universidad de Pamplona

    Ingeniero en Telecomunicaciones

  • Blanca Mery Rolón Rodríguez, Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte

    Lic. en educación Primaria Énfasis en Ciencias Sociales. Especialista en educación Democracia y Desarrollo Social. Magíster en Pedagogía. Candidata a Doctora en Gerencia y política educativa.


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How to Cite

Software to obtain a statistical propagation model in real time. (2020). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 12(3), 128-137.