Spatial and temporal analysis of the breach of legal regulations regarding the Colombian COVID-19 lockdown
Covid-19, epidemic, confinament, public health, policeAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify the spatial and temporal patterns of seven behaviours contrary
to coexistence (BCC) during the lockdown measures applied at a national level in Colombia for 47 days. For this, 363,439 administrative records collected by the National Police from March 16 to May 1, 2020 regarding BCCs were analysed, all including the following information: time, day, date, type of behaviour, age and state or department of the offender. The results showed: (a) temporal relationships between the number of daily or accumulated cases of COVID-19 and the rates of BCCs per 100,000 inhabitants, (b) concentration of BCCs between 8:00 am and 12: 00 pm or between 2:00 pm and 6 pm, (c) greater frequency of alcoholic beverage consumption on weekends, (d) in relation to age, the 18-24 age group had the highest number of corrective measures.
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