Education and teaching in the context of emerging paradigm: a new way of thinking and receive the world for the formation of citizenship


  • Jesús Enrique Archila Guío Universidad Católica de Colombia



Complexity, pedagogy, education, research


The document below is proposed, intended to generate some thoughts, (as has been done the last 50 years in Western thought) about education, teaching and research, in the context of social practices contribute to the understanding of complex world in which intervenes civic culture, characterized by the convergence of different elements and multiple interactions in which the dynamism is its greatest feature, allowing the instruments relegation guiding the development of emerging and complex educational guidelines. The problem is formulated here, and so is made a priori, is the lack or absence of a mechanism that achieves attack pedagogical shortcomings of civic culture in regard to the social, and the existence of diversity social, and asking questions that guide reflection what are the characteristics of a pedagogy within education and research complex, allowing the formation of people with democratic qualities and citizenship skills.


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Author Biography

  • Jesús Enrique Archila Guío, Universidad Católica de Colombia

    Abogado. Ph.D © en Ciencias de la Educación. Magister en Derecho en Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas. Especialista en Derecho Probatorio. Especialista en Derecho Penal y Ciencias Forenses.


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Reflection Articles

How to Cite

Education and teaching in the context of emerging paradigm: a new way of thinking and receive the world for the formation of citizenship. (2013). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 5(1), 139-149.