Leadership from the perspective of the Police Educational Internationalization Network
Cooperation, Training, Integration, Leadership, PoliceAbstract
This article summarizes fundamental aspects for the Police Educational Internationalization Network (RINEP) - a collegiate body that connects the police educational systems and their security counterparts – given that researchers from different countries joined together with the purpose of designing a training proposal in police leadership based on the analysis of particularities and styles, as well as the identification of differences and similarities in the exercise of leadership, as a contribution to the cooperation and integration strategies of police force members in the network. Methodologically, the study is circumscribed in a descriptive approach with a qualitative analysis and a hermeneutical triangulation process for the definition of categories and information analysis. Through the results obtained typologies were established in regards to the exercise of leadership, understandings and dissimilar conceptualizations, as well as the priority of police leadership training processes; circumstances that denoted the need to consolidate a proposal based on investigative exercise and academic expectations, based on the International Diploma in Police Leadership as a scenario that contributes to the professionalization
of the police service for the benefit of security and citizen coexistence in each country.
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