Analysis of psychological well-being in police officers working in the Caribbean region of Colombia




psychology, police, well-being, psychological test, job satisfaction


By applying the Psychological Well-being Scale (PWBS), using the subscales Subjective, Labour, Material, and Relationship Well-being, the study determined the degree of psychological well-being perceived in the police personnel (n = 602 officers) who work in the Colombian Caribbean Coast, in relation to their rank, their place of work, their gender, and their age. The analysis found that the Subjective Psychological Well-being subscale obtained the highest percentage (64%), followed by the General Well-being scale (61%) and the Material Well-being scale (59%); while the Labour Well-being scale obtained the lowest score in the high range (45%). Regarding the analysis by police unit, those with a high degree of General Well-being include Guajira and Sucre; while the rest of the units are in the medium well-being range, including the units from Barranquilla and Cartagena which have the lowest values on the general scale. Therefore, a protocol was designed with topics and methodologies that provide mental health professionals with the necessary tools to approach and improve the objective perception of the degree of psychological well-being in the uniformed members of the National Police in the region studied.


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Author Biographies

  • Christian Camilo Benavides Acosta, Policia Nacional de Colombia

    Psicólogo. Especialista en Gerencia Social. Especialista en Servicio de Policía.

  • Adriana Carolina Segura Baracaldo, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Psicóloga. Especialista en psicología educativa. Especialista en Gestión Humana. Master of Arts in Education-Higher Education. Jefe Observatorio de la Familia Policial. Dirección de Bienestar Social.

  • Leidy Johanna Rojas Landínez, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Tecnología en gestión de empresas de la salud. Psicóloga. Asesora metodológica Dirección de Bienestar Social.


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Analysis of psychological well-being in police officers working in the Caribbean region of Colombia. (2020). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 12(3), 8-19.