The Tenzana woman in the emancipation of Colombia


  • Néstor Emiro Piragauta Montaña Institución Educativa Técnica José Gabriel Carvajal García



Customs, Emancipation, society, heritage, culture, identity, pedagogy, training, iconography territory


It should be given more importance to the story, because in the last decades has been relegated in schools to remember a historic date, very few resources and momentum that have been given him. The story has huge advantages because through it we find the reason of human beings, their beliefs, their chants, songs, stories, oral transmission, science, art, their minds, their writing, their heroes, their heroes and heroines and so everything that makes the man and the changes he makes in favor of a society. The story has come to us through research that is done rigorously, so that each part of Colombian territory has something to tell and where it has left its mark, but many times we do not know, or who knows and is lost in time, new generations have lost their attachment to their homeland.


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Author Biography

  • Néstor Emiro Piragauta Montaña, Institución Educativa Técnica José Gabriel Carvajal García

    Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales y Económicas. Candidato a la Maestría en Historia. Docente. Cofundador del grupo de investigación de la institución “SEMILLAS DEL SABER”.


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How to Cite

The Tenzana woman in the emancipation of Colombia. (2014). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 5(2), 359-371.