Indigenous education, from your life project in a global world
Indigenous communities, social and cultural realities, multiculturalism, ethnic education / bilingual educationAbstract
This article gladly sent to the academic community some asides on socio-cultural realities of Indigenous Communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the context of the research project which is entitled "current status of education in Indigenous communities" project which is anchored in the vicinity of the Indigenous Communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Research is limited to the school curriculum in the field of social and cultural realities of these communities given their different realities in the social, political, economic, linguistic, and religious. It also aims to provide spaces for discussion in national and international academic community and particularly in the north of Colombia since in this region where Indigenous communities are located as subjects of academic meeting this scenario, in this sense our position, rooted in ethnic education budgets epistemic, intercultural education, citizenship and multiculturalism, inclusive citizenship, from which we have been working in the context of formal education and particularly which has been offering in communities indigenous of Colombia.
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