Physical activity as possible measures to promotion and prevention of health and welfare in the ECSAN Key components for a proper physical activity


  • Jorge Alexánder Celis Cruz Policía Nacional de Colombia



Health, Wellness, Quality of life, physical activity, ECSAN, Heating, recovery, exercises, stretching


The concept of health must take into account the human being as a whole being. From this principle arose the term holistic health. The holistic health concept envisions the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual interdependent and integrated way in humans. This holistic health status should not be alien to any person and any profession, hence the ECSAN open spaces for the practice of physical activity that contribute to increasing the level of health and wellbeing of all staff. It then becomes necessary to know which way they are basic parameters required to develop a correct sequence and physical activity session.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Alexánder Celis Cruz, Policía Nacional de Colombia
    Licenciado en educación física. Especialista en Pedagogía del entrenamiento deportivo. Magíster en educación. Escuela de Cadetes de Policía General Francisco de Paula Santander


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TORRES QUEVEDO, Atana (2005). Fitness . Bogotá. Ed. Panamericana.

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Reflection Articles

How to Cite

Physical activity as possible measures to promotion and prevention of health and welfare in the ECSAN Key components for a proper physical activity. (2011). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 3(1), 91-98.