Skills presented by teachers in the program of the school system technology central technical institute,regarding the use of ICT


  • Jaime Alberto Páez Páez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional



Teachers, systems, education, process education


The program of the school Technology systems for professional technical training systems. In spite of not having a study that identified the competencies presented by teachers, research has been done to increase the degree of familiarity and contribute ideas for diagnosing basic features in the exercise of their profession.


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Author Biography

  • Jaime Alberto Páez Páez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

    Magíster en Educación. Docente.


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How to Cite

Skills presented by teachers in the program of the school system technology central technical institute,regarding the use of ICT. (2011). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 3(1), 56-65.