Development on a finite planet


  • Gunter Trapp Universidad Industrial de Santander



Sustainable development, Limits to growth, Carrying capacity, Growth economics, Collapse, Steady-State Economics


Present global human development, based on economic and population growth, is shown to have exceeded the global carrying capacity for our species. It is unsustainable and, unless changed, will lead to collapse. Attempts to solve the present global economic crisis by increasing growth can only worsen it and speed the road to collapse. Avoiding collapse requires urgent shift from present economics of growth to Steady-State Economics, both at the global and national levels.


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Author Biography

  • Gunter Trapp, Universidad Industrial de Santander

    Especialista en ciencias básicas. Máster en Física. Geofísica aplicada en la industria Petrolera. PH.D. en Geofísica. Profesor, decano y vicerrector de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Cofundador del Centro Internacional de Física (CIF) adscrito a la Universidad Nacional, Bogotá. Miembro titular de la Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia (ACAC).


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How to Cite

Development on a finite planet. (2011). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 3(1), 24-36.