Procedure for estimating the tire / road friction coefficient


  • Edwin Enrique Remolina Caviedes Universidad Antonio Nariño
  • Alejandra Juliette Baena Universidad Antonio Nariño
  • Juan Francisco Higuera Cruz CIFTT S.A.S



accelerometer, traffic accident, measurement techniques, estimation, friction, brakes, tires


This article describes a methodology that allows for the estimation of the coefficient of friction between the tire of a vehicle and the road surface, taking into account the emergency braking maneuvers applicable in the place where a traffic accident has occurred, as well as by the use of measuring equipment such as the Vericom accelerometer and, especially, the use of a smartphone, which turns out to be a reliable method for its accuracy in acquiring acceleration data. The methodology integrates protocols based on the standardization of procedures established by the SAE and the international standard ISO-21994.


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Author Biographies

  • Edwin Enrique Remolina Caviedes, Universidad Antonio Nariño

    Lic. en Matemátcias y Mag. Ing. Física. Gerente Centro Investigación y Formación de Tránsito y Transporte CIFTT S.A.S Perito Niv 3 APIAT Argentina. Experto en Investigación y Reconstrución de Accidentes de Tránsito.

  • Alejandra Juliette Baena, Universidad Antonio Nariño

    Ph.D, Física. Docente Investigador Línea Forense.

  • Juan Francisco Higuera Cruz, CIFTT S.A.S

    Esp. Investigación de Accidentes de tránsito, investigador CIFTT S.A.S


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Procedure for estimating the tire / road friction coefficient. (2019). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 12(1), 71-83.