An outline on the immediate future of engineering careers in Mexico from the scientific-technological change


  • Luis Roberto Vega González Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Future scene, careers of engineering, technological change


The creation of engineering careers has generally responded to the demand for new engineers by the society for the management of different technology platforms throughout the years these have supported productive activities. Taking as a frame of reference engineering careers throughout their history have taught at the Faculty of Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (FENAUM), in this work a scene appears on which they can be the careers of engineering that possibly will be created in Mexico in the nearby future. The methodology divides of the areas of research and development identify technologically emergent more dynamics and predictable which surely will influence the creation of the new careers of engineering. The analysis shows that intensive technological changes of last three decades have brought remarkable economic and social changes, so that the problem of engineering education has had to adapt to answer also now the dynamics of technological change. We conclude that in order to the system in charge of the engineering education not only is kept, but it is consolidated it will be necessary that the construction of new courses this one attuned to the new technoeconomic and social awaited environment.


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Author Biography

  • Luis Roberto Vega González, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico.


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

An outline on the immediate future of engineering careers in Mexico from the scientific-technological change. (2011). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 3(1), 12-23.