Diagnosis of the teaching of statistics using the Method of autonomous and meaningful learning





questionnaire CHAEA, pragmatic, learning strategy


This research aims to propose teaching strategies that facilitate autonomous and significant learning proposed by the pedagogical model Cafam university foundation in probability learning unit (statistical modeling of processes). Based on the knowledge we have of learning styles most prevalent among students, for which the questionnaire was applied Honey - Alonso Learning Styles (CHAEA) sixth semester students of industrial engineering and engineering eighth semester telematics. When starting the course of statistical probability modeling process). The results showed a preference for reflexive (19), followed by the Active (16), theoretical (12) and pragmatic (12). From this it was proposed strategy in the learning unit for students to improve their learning styles was to conduct descriptive research projects where students performed an analysis of data by applying the knowledge acquired in the learning unit. Once completed these projects and made her presentation of these, this proposed learning strategy was assessed by the survey student's learning style Grasha - Riechmann.


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Case studies

How to Cite

Diagnosis of the teaching of statistics using the Method of autonomous and meaningful learning. (2015). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 6(2), 218-226. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v6i2.101